目前金屬鋼材,對於外在環境影響所引發酸性、鹼性、 防銹、導熱、散熱、耐熱、 耐磨、抗壓縮等阻抗要求,而無法達到預期的使用壽命現今熱處理界為了達到上述要求,大多利 用表面處理進而改善,例如氮化處理、TD、PVD、CVD、一般鍍層等﹔但是,又因作用溫度過高,造成底材硬度下降及變形變寸或鍍層剝落之狀況發生,因此本公司團隊成功研發奈米陶瓷 金鋼強化皮膜(Metal Steel Nano CeramicReinforced Film),進而改善以上諸多問題。
Nowaday metal steel have suffered from the influence of exterior circumstances that simultaneously triggered great requirements of acid,alkaline, rusted resistance and thermal conductibility,radiation, thermal resistance furthermore wear resistance,compression resistance. While those requirements can not obtained the expectation. Present heat treatment field try to meet those requirements by means of TD process PVD CVD as well. As a result of processing temperature higher than tempered and stress reliving temperature. That lead to substratum hardness descend, distortion, deformation, coating film decomposed. Owing to the above mentioned trouble, our teamwork developed successfully Metal Steel Nano Ceramic Reinforced Film to improve these problem.
作用時在常溫下(Room Temperature) ,利用酸鹼電位差比,將奈米陶瓷(Nano Ceramic)進入金屬鋼鐵中,藉由界面 (Interface)轉換置入基地(Substratum)內,在利用溫度差異變 化進行熟化(Ripening) ,將奈米陶瓷更深層的推入基地中,產生結締組織(Connective Tissue)形成奈米陶瓷封孔,其金鋼皮膜符合歐盟(ROHS)標準。
關鍵字:結締組織由(Connective Tissue)基地,晶質層(Crystallized Layer),非晶質層(Amorphous Layer)組合而成 。
Processing cycle at room temperature, in which take advantage of base-acid potential difference conduct nano ceramic into metal steel, via interface to substratum. and then make use of different temperature alter to implement ripening. At the same time pushing nano ceramic much deeper into matrix to form connective tissue,in order to obtain micro pore sealed with nano ceramic film. That film in accordance with ROHS stander.
key word:Connective Tissue which was combined crystallized layer with amorphous layer. Base-Acid Potential Difference.
皮膜硬度值HV1200~1800 [荷重50g]﹔皮膜深度40 Micron。
It can provides metal steel micro pore-seal, wear resistance thermal resistance, thermal conductibility, radiation,electrical conductibility and acid, alkaline, rusted resistance, furthermore compression resistance promoting.
In comparison with
the feature of coating film
封孔案例_Product Case
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